Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Seven Kids: Day Three

Stress level - moderate
I ain't gonna lie...I could use a break about now. The kids are actually being pretty good. The endless to do's is what is chipping away at my cool and collected-ness. Ron has been off work these past three days, but returns tomorrow. I kind of like having the extra set of hands around during the day, but it's not like I can't handle it.
To add to chaos 'round here, is that it is "Reading Appreciation" Week at school for the kids. They have theme today was color your thumb green. Yeah, that was fun. Brilliant me wanted my kids to have the best, most greenest thumbs that lasted all day so we used food coloring. I think their thumbs will be green forever. That stuff ain't budging! Cierra isn't too happy about it. With it being said appreciation week, Dylan's homework has been different. Last night we spent an hour pouring over the local newspaper and internet reading articles and answering questions. Tonight he had the most obnoxious crossword. It was about different literary terms and different authors and awards. I hope it's ok we used the internet. I mean, the teachers have to know that I really don't have a clue who won a Caldecott for what book. Heck, I didn't even know what a Caldecott was until tonight (an award for illustrators of children's books). We were stuck on two until Dylan's dad came to the rescue.
And I have some major allergies going on. Looks like it is going to be one heck of an allergy season for me! Bleh!
Oh..and Happy St. Patricks Day!!!

St. Patty's we come!

These boys love their helmets. Ty especially. Ty even uses the restroom with it on. Darn, didn't get a picture of that.

Decorating our cookies for St. Patty's. We didn't have a shamrock.....

...but we had lips!! Kiss me, I'm Irish!!!!!!
See you tomorrow....


Lynda said...

You are awesome!!

Gilbrides said...

Still looks like everyone is having a blast! I love their green clothes! And the pictures of Tyler and Landon playing outside are so cute!!!

I'm nervous for Lauren to start having homework from stories like these! Thank goodness for the internet and Dad's! Great job!

Hope you have a great day today! (especially by yourself. I know you can handle it with flying colors!)