I had the opportunity to teach Relief Society this past Sunday. Now when I say "oppourtunity", I really believe that the Lord knew I needed this lesson and that I would internalize it better having taught it rather than listening to someone else teach it.
The lesson was on obedience. Now it is no secret to my fellow bloggers or really anyone else for that matter that I struggled with this for a time and made a life-altering/shattering choice. I have had a very bitter struggle within myself since. In my lesson I talked about the freedom that comes with obedience.
It goes like this:
If I obey then I am free from sin, which in turn leaves me free of guilt, free of self-doubt, free of uncertainty. If I obey than I am free to fulfill my church callings and attend the temple.
Obedience starts with very simple things: Read my scriptures, say daily prayers (personal...not just with the kids and family), attend my meetings, fulfill my callings, etc.
One sister commented on how we decide our level of happiness by our level of obedience. If we raise the bar on our obedience, we raise the bar on the level of blessings we will receive. An increase of obedience means an increase of blessings, which means an increase of happiness. It is a snowball affect.
I had often scoffed (funny word, but fitting) at the idea that my problems would all just go away if I would read my scriptures and say my prayers. How could it be that simple? It didn't seem that simple, and yet it was, it is. It begins with obedience. Why I had to learn it too late is my own fault, but I have learned it. I testify of it...on this blog;)
So, the moral of the story is read your scriptures and say your prayers. In fact...go do it right now!!!
It Never Stops
6 months ago
wow, sounds like i missed a good lesson. we did obeidence in yw too, but at not so deep a level. thanks for sharing a glimpse of it here on your blog.
OK you just made my cry like a baby!!! I love you soooo much Nicole!!! I really miss you guys.
Now this is funny - After reading your blog (and thinking how great you are and helping me be a better person) I realized that I needed to be preparing my RS lesson for Sunday (instead of blogging :) Guess which lesson I am teaching??? I guess we are one lesson behind you guys :) Thanks for the help with my lesson.
That is funny Sherri. It was a good lesson to teach. I found a topic/question to pose in a missionary handbook of Ron's that asks if it is okay to "blindly obey" The sisters had all sorts of answers for that...so if you are looking for a filler I suggest that question;)ha ha
I just had an "oh yeah" moment. You are so good. I love that you shared the lesson and brought it to home. You have an amazing gift with writing and conveying your thoughts and feelings. Thank you for sharing your lesson. .. you have helped me so much!! Love you!!
You are such an awesome lady. I LOVE YOU!!! Thanks for all your life lessons you have taught me along lifes path, you are a strength to me in so many ways, Thanks for always being my friend.
There's no better way to teach a lesson then to make it personal. I felt the spirit of what you said just reading your blog, so I can only imagine that being there for your lesson was even 10times better. Thanks Nicole - I'm giving you a hug in my mind right now.
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