Monday, May 5, 2008

Weekend in Review

It began with a visit of a good friend. He was in town from Japan and came for dinner. We miss you Jordan, Bekah, Evan and Heather!!

Then Friday night the boys went camping again. This is picture is Saturday. I came home from the store and there is Jonah passed out in the middle of the floor. He looked so small that at first I thought he was one of the babies. He was a little wasted from his fun night camping. Cierra and I had another girls night (not pictured) at Sarah's house with Abbey, April, Crystal. It was fun to have a sleepover with the girls!!

Then Saturday night Abbey and I threw a baby shower for Sarah. The theme was brown and blue polka dots. It turned out really cute!

Which leads me to the rest of the weekend...I was SICK!! I crashed hard after the baby shower and through the next day. I still am on the mends but feel a ton better!


Abbey said...

The baby shower was so much fun. It turned out really cute.
I have pictures of camping if you want some.
I'm glad you're feeling a little better!

Erin said...

Oh Jonah is so adorable! I love it when they just sleep anywhere. Looks like a great weekend. I am sorry you got sick, I too ened up getting sick on Sunday. What is up with that?