Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I read on a couple of your quirk tags about the need to load the dishwasher just right. That got me thinking...thinking that I am HORRIBLE at loading the dishwasher. Ron has told me before to load it better so they will wash better. I decided to really throw myself under the bus and show you pictures. It is really bad. Sometimes I will barely even open the door and just throw a plate in. What the heck is wrong with me??? Lessons please.
Oh but please note the shiny countertop.....Windex;)


Carolyn said...

I load my dishwasher very orderly. I think that you try to get everything in at once. But hey who has the time to run, unload, and reload the dishwasher more than once a day. I say switch to paper plates! That will solve your problem.

Melissa said...

Like items together, sweetheart. Plates on the bottom, cups up top. But with seven kids, I'm going to have to go with Carolyn and say switch to paper. Or maybe get a second dishwasher(ha!), or make the kids load, unload and reload, Dylan and Cierra, at least.

Abbey said...

It's hard not to do that when you have so many dishes to do! I don't blame ya.

Dahle Family said...

you have too many kids to have it too organized that if you did you would be doing dishes all day long. as if you have nothing better to do with your time. I love you and your quarks

The Prices said...

I, unfortunately, have only a couple OCDs--I wish I had more because then my house would be cleaner! But I have to have my dishwasher organized. It drives me crazy when Dave does it because he doesn't do it the same way I do (He does a decent job though)--so I would go CRAZY at your house.:) But at least you always keep your sink clean--unlike me. I have to agree with others, I would probably have moved on to paper plates by now if I were you!

Lindsey said...


OUR HOUSE said...

Oh man, that should have been one of my quirks. I can't stand having a disorganized dishwasher. It has to be packed just right. I'm the same way with packing luggage, packing boxes, packing anything.

OUR HOUSE said...

Nicole, I just read your comment on my last post and realized that I am the biggest dork in the world! I accidently put that I am the RS president, but I'm NOT! I'm the RS secretary. I'm really not looking for any kind of promotion, really. A correction has been made to the post to avoid an further misunderstandings. Thank you for bringing it to my attention;)