Sunday, March 2, 2008


My sister in law put this on her blog and I thought it was cute so I decided to to it.


1. Seaworld season has begun so we went yesterday...and da da da da da-Dylan is tall enough to ride the Steel Eel. It is the big roller coaster there. He and I rode it and while in the middle of it he yelled "I can't take it anymore", however the second it ended he wanted back on.

2. Dylan is now playing soccer. He loves it and counts down each week until practice. He is great at running so it is a perfect sport for him. His team is called the Lackland Scorpions.

3. Which leads me to this one...two days last week Dylan came home with awards for running at school. The first one was an award for running 11 laps on the track- 2 3/4 miles. The second was for walking three miles on the track. He said his legs were too sore to run it again. I guess he is going to be a cross country runner like his dad.

4. Dylans loves mustard. I tell him he loves it so much because when I was pregnant with him that I loved it too. He dips everything in mustard including chicken nuggets and french fries.

5. Dylan is a great reader. He has 100% in his reading class and is in pictures all over the school because he is such a great reader. He has finished reading "Captain Underpants", and "Stink, the incredible shrinking kid."

6. Dylan is a great big brother to all of his siblings. He is a great helper to me and I am so thankful for him. Every morning when we get up he helps carry one of the babies downstairs for me, then he gets out 2 diapers and the wipes, and if I am not fast enough, he will get all 3 of their cereal bowls and spoons out. He does all of this without me asking. He tells me that he just likes to help me. I am so blessed to be his mom.


Erin said...

He is such a Sweetheart! I didn't know he loved mustard so much it's good stuff! He is such a great reader. It was so cute when he was here he would sit on the couch upsairs and read to the younger kids. Bryant really loved that.

Dahle Family said...

dylan has always had such a loving heart. he is such a good boy. tell them that we love them and miss them all so much...give them loves for us

Sharron Lamont said...

Dear Dylan, Wow, I never thought I would like Scorpions, but now I have to love them! I'm glad you like soccer and running. I wish I could run again...I'll have to settle for walking. I know you are a great reader and I'm glad you like to read. Congratulations on winning awards in reading and running! We love you so much and you are all so special to us! We can't wait to see you and give you all big hugs! Love, Grandpa John and Grandma Sharron

The Prices said...

You are so lucky to have a little boy that is such a good helper. I am sure that makes your life much easier.

Gilbrides said...

I wish I could run like that! That is awesome. He is so special. He is a great oldest child and big brother. It was fun reading about him. I didn't know he liked mustard or that he was such an amazing runner. However, I knew he was smart. I am sure he will accomplish amazing things in his life.

Abbey said...

Dylan is such a sweet heart. He is so thoughtful.