Sunday, March 2, 2008



1. Cierra is, as we all know, the only girl amidst all of her brothers. Apparently we are a sight to see, so when we are out and about everyone feels they need to comment on our family. They will always say to Cierra "Oh, you are the only girl", and she will ALWAYS say, "No, my mommy is a girl."

2. Cierra has the most tender heart. She is so kind and sweet. The other night at soccer practice it was very cold. Their was a little girl (who Cierra had never met) with a blanket around her that kept slipping off. Everytime it did Cierra would go over and pull it back up and tuck it in for her. It was so cute to see her concern for this little girl. She likes to write notes to people in our family and her friends to tell us how much she loves us. It is so wonderful to walk into my room at night when they are in bed and find a note taped to my door, or on my pillow.

3. Cierra is a fast learner. She is quickly improving with her reading and writing. She loves to do her homework. Most days after she is done with her homework, she will ask to do more, so I get her another page out of her workbook here at home. She is really good at drawing and cutting things out. She likes to spend a lot of time coloring. A new coloring book, or notebook and crayons are heaven to her.

4. Cierra loves to sing. She is really good at remembering words to songs. She has a pretty singing voice too. Almost at anytime you will find her walking around the house or playing in her room singing songs. She loves to make them up too. She has a cd player in her room and it is constantly playing and she is constantly singing and dancing to it. She can't dance without putting on some type of costume. Usually it is a leotard that is way too small that shows me her way too long of legs that are going to be a concern for her parents in later years.


Dahle Family said...

As you have given credit to their dad for all the boy things, you need to recognize that those endearing things of Cierra come from you...her tender heart, her good singing voice, and of course her dancing ability

Sharron Lamont said...

Hi Cierra, We are so proud of you! We love you all very much. It was good to hear again the things we know about you. It is fun to watch you sing and make up songs which come to you so easily. We can't wait to see you. Will you sing us a special song? Love, Grandpa John and Grandma Sharron

Gilbrides said...

She is such a cutie. She was so sweet with Katelyn and Lauren. It is so fun to see what they pick up from each parent. From the stories James tells, it sounds like she is following in your footsteps of being a girly-girl. :)

Abbey said...

We know where she got her singing voice. You are both amazing singers. I love hearing Sierra sing while we play rock band :)