Monday, April 12, 2010

Up Hill Battle

What a day! I have seriously been cleaning ALLLLL day! However I have many forces (Tyler, Landon and Jonah) working against me.

At least they have organized messes.

I'm my vacuuming getting in your way?
Ha. A day in the life eh?


Gilbrides said...

I keep discovering that cleaning makes me an angry yelling Mom. I'd rather have my house messier than I'd prefer and me and the girls happier and playing together. :)

Of course, I just don't let the house go, I do try and make sure the messes are cleaned up, but we LIVE in the house and right now our LIFE is playing and messy. When they get older and aren't home all day, then the house can be cleaner. For now, I don't want to waste any precious time I can be playing with the girls because I'll never get it back!

Your house is ALWAYS IMMACULATE !!

Kristen said...

"At times I'm forced to choose from one job or another, I want to be a housewife, but first I'll be a mother". You will miss the messes..remember the rooms we could never go in? Or we would have to rake them? Your home is "model" ready. WIsh mine was as clean as yours!

Unknown said...

Wow, 7 kids??? I'm loving the trail of flip flops