Thursday, November 29, 2007

Washable??? Paint

I bought the kids some "washable" paints. Yeah...not so washable.
However it made for a lot of family fun.

Brotherly Love

The babies are finally starting to realize that each other exist. Up until
now they really seemed to pay no attention to each other or even care
what the other one was doing. Now they wrestle, fight over toys,
swap cups and food and even give hugs to each other every now
and then. It is so fun to see them interact with each other.

The Tooth Fairy pays us a visit!!

Thank goodness Dylan's tooth finally fell out which made room for his
big boy tooth that had already grown in. He lost it at 7:30 at night last
week and I realized I didn't have any cash to leave under his pillow. I
knew I had to leave a dollar because of inflation right?? No more quarter
s for a tooth. The price has gone up. So I had to explain to him that the
Tooth Fairy only carries change...he seemed ok with that. So when he
woke up, he had a nice pile of quarters and nickles and dimes. Hey it
spends the same right?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Dear Santa

Tonight we sat down with the kids and helped them write their Santa letters.
It is so awesome to see how excited they are and how innocent they are to
believe in Santa Claus. It makes Christmas magical again for us as parents
who know who mom really is kissing by the Christmas tree late Christmas Eve....
I had to help Cierra with the rest of her letter because her arm got tired...poor,
greedy little thing. Dylan of course didn't really need help and his is pretty short
and sweet.
Good thing we had them write these because Santa was definitely on the wrong track.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Much Better!!

Jonah got a new cast today. Good riddance to that sorry excuse of a cast he had before. A friend of ours said it best....he said it looked like he stole the cast from someone else and then taped it on his arm.

This one has dinosaurs and it comes below his elbow so his little arm can bend. HALELUJAH!! I think I was more excited than he was. All I could think was that he will be able to buckle his own carseat again.

It really made my day so I thought I would share.