Saturday, September 26, 2009

It's official...

I have lost my mind!
We stopped to get ice cream for the kids on our way home last night. I thought I grabbed the ice cream bag.....

but nope, I grabbed my new boots from Ross instead and stuck them in the freezer.

The saddest part is that today (yes they were in there overnight) when I went to get something out of the freezer I saw the Ross bag and I thought to myself, "Why is there a Ross bag in my freezer? Is this a surprise from Ron?"
Nothing yells "Woman in need of a looong break" more than a pair of frozen knee-high boots!


Jeremy and Sherri said...

Thanks so much for the laugh!!! The best part is that you thought you got a gift!!! that is too great - what happened to the ice cream???

Gilbrides said...

That is hilarious!! I can totally understand though. So many times when I am putting a cabinet item into the fridge, I think "what am I doing---I really need a break" ;)

The Prices said...

HAAAAAHAAAA! I really want to know what happened to the ice cream!:)

Nicole Howard said...

The ice cream was brought in by Ron. While I drove the babysitter home, they all ate it.:)

OUR HOUSE said...

I'm glad the icecream didn't end up in your closet with your other shoes. Were you boots okay? They sure are cute.

Erin said...

lol too funny! I am glad I am not the only one who has lost my mind!