Monday, December 28, 2009

Who's kid is that?

Tyler, Tyler, Tyler. What would I do without him. Certainly life would be a bit less entertaining. I often look at him and wonder - where did you come from??? His vocabulary has increased dramatically in recent weeks. However some of his new words leave this mother of his *blushing*.

His new phrases:

Kiss my butt

You hit my weina (weiner)


Yes I can (imagine in a defiant voice)

Not quite sure where he got the first two. I am still doing some detective work on that one. So I act appalled and gasp when I hear him say it...then turn my face and chuckle to myself. What's a mom to do.

Friday, December 11, 2009

JML Detective Agency

Six years ago on the 12th of December, Jonah was born. He came into the world wailing and didn't stop for at least six months. He had the most hair of all my babies until then. It was a wheat color in the hospital but quickly turned red which matched his little personality. He was a colicky baby. He didn't sleep very well. I had a hard time adjusting from two to three children. I would often cry at the overwhelmed feeling I felt.
Well, that little baby grew. He grew and he grew and now he is going to be six years old!!!!
That little baby turned into the sweetest and most lovable little boy. He brings so much joy to my life. I can not imagine one day without him in it. I love all my children deeply and equally, but there is something about Jonah that is special. Maybe it's the fact that he has the cutest little face, maybe it's his red hair or the spray of freckles on his cheeks. Maybe it's the fact that most days he brings me a "treasure" home from school. It is usually a sparkly that fell off some little girls shirt, a ring missing the plastic rhinestone he found on the floor, a rock that looks "cool" he found at recess, or a bracelet he chose out of the treasure box for me. Maybe it's that he calls me "Mama" or still gets upset if he has to leave me. I look at him sometimes and cry at the overwhelmed feeling I feel....LOVE for this little man!
Happy Birthday Jonah boy!

For Jonah's birthday this year we had a detective themed party.

When the kids arrived they had to pass a physical training test to see if they would qualify to earn their "Secret Agent" badge. The test consisted of jumping jacks, sit-ups and push-ups. Good thing they all passed:)

After the test they are fingerprinted and given their official "Secret Agent" badge.

Some of our new "Secret Agents"

They are happy they passed:)

Now that they were official, they had a mission. There were black bombs (balloons) that they had to detonate before we were all blown away!

The cake and the crew.

Stinking blue frosting...going to be stained for days.

Wow. Yeah even Ron's mouth looked like that.

Our favorite baby Brylie. The goody bags had fake mustaches and of course we had to try one on her.

Who is that?

Off to solve a mystery. Maybe they can find the dang missing sippy cup.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Last night I had a dream. In this dream was a beautiful baby girl. I didn't know who she belonged to. All I know is that I wanted to take care of her. I can still see her face now, she was so precious. She had dark hair. I woke up with a painful longing for her. This has not left my mind all day. I keep seeing her face.

So, what does this mean? Is she my daughter? Is she reminding me that I promised to bring her to this earth? Because, well, as we all know I have plenty of kids as it is and we really aren't planning on having anymore. The question of whether or not we are planning on having more kids is usually met with a "Heck to the NO!!!". Sometimes a less convincing "no". I have felt before that there is someone missing, but shrug that aside remembering how many mouths we have to feed and telling myself that I have more than done my share of "multiplying and replenishing the earth."

Even entertaining the thought of having another child makes me nervous and makes my heart race. It is a lot of work having a I really want to do it again? The sleepless nights, the sore EVERYTHING from pregnancy and childbirth. Plus I am over 30 now...would that affect my pregnancy? I have five beautiful and healthy children...would I be tempting fate?

All of these thoughts are running through my mind, but are being pushed out by the face of a baby girl with brown hair. I told Ron about my dream and the longing it has left in my heart. He said, "Yeah some dreams can do that." Ha. He tried to change the subject real quick. I told him we need to pray about it. He reminded me our car will not fit another person and how we won't be getting a new car anytime soon. This is true....

So, where does this leave us? I am not entirely sure. I have faith that if I am supposed to have another child that we will be able to make it work car-wise, financially, and sanity-wise. So all I can say is "We'll see".

Stay tuned...