Posted by Nicole Howard at 10:04 AM 5 comments
you need to read this blog! I know I just posted about it, but I really think everyone needs to read her blog and like vote for her for something;) She needs to be on Oprah. She needs free money, she needs her house paid off, her care paid for. If octo-mom can have it all then I am pretty sure Stephanie Nielson deserves some of the pie.
Ok, I am being kinda loony about it, but like I said before, reading her posts inspire me.
Take today for instance...I am moping around because I hate how my carpet looks and we will NEVER have the money to put in new flooring. Then I get on to read if she has posted anything today and I feel the size of a speck of dirt after I read what is on HER mind. Again, tears fill my eyes as I realize how truly blessed I am.
Sorry to be repetitive..........but go read it!! Seriously!
Posted by Nicole Howard at 8:41 PM 3 comments
Posted by Nicole Howard at 8:16 PM 4 comments